Articles scientifiques
Oubrahim, L., & Combalbert, N. (2018). Le développement moral dans la déficience intellectuelle. Enfance, 4(4), 549-558.
Oubrahim, L., Combalbert, N., & Salvano-Pardieu, V. (2018). Développement du jugement moral et comportements agressifs chez les enfants et les adolescents avec une déficience intellectuelle. Neuropsychiatrie de l’Enfance et de l’Adolescence, 67(1), 34-42.
Oubrahim, L., & Combalbert, N. (2019) Behaviour problems in people with intellectual disabilities: validation of the French version of the Behaviour Problems Inventory – Short Form. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research.63(5),466-476.
Oubrahim, L., & Combalbert, N. (2019). Frequency and origin (proactive-reactive) of aggressive behaviors in young people with intellectual disability and autism spectrum. International journal of developmental disabilities. doi: 10.1080/20473869.2019.1640972
Oubrahim, L., Combalbert., & Salvano-Pardieu, V. (2019). Moral judgment and aggressiveness in children and adolescents with intellectual disability. Journal of intellectual disability and offending behavior, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 21-33.
Chapitre d’ouvrage
Salvano-Pardieu, V., Oubrahim, L., & Kilpatrick, S. (2020). Cognitive Structure of Moral Reasoning, Development, and Evolution With Age and Pathology. In H. Yama, & V. Salvano Pardieu (Eds.), Adapting Human Thinking and Moral Reasoning in Contemporary Society (pp. 30-57). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Conférences internationales
OUBRAHIM, L., COMBALBERT, N. (2018, May). Aggressive behavior in young people with intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorder. Communication présentée au International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends, Porto.
OUBRAHIM, L., COMBALBERT, N., SALVANO-PARDIEU, V. (2017, May). Evolution of Aggressive Behavior and Types of Moral Judgment in Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities. Communication présentée au 11th Annual International Conference on Psychology, Athens.
OUBRAHIM, L., COMBALBERT, N. (2017, Juin). Liens entre les comportements agressifs et le jugement moral chez les enfants et les adolescents ayant une déficience intellectuelle. Communication présentée au 10ème colloque international RIPSYDEVE, Aix-en-Provence.